June 30, 2016 Posts

4th of july in vegas fireworks event calendar 2016
July 4th, 2016 Las Vegas Fireworks Display Schedule

Caesars Palace also celebrates its own 50th birthday with a 13.5 minute fireworks display of its own

Vegas. Land of Life (err, party), Liberty (to party), and the pursuit of happiness (usually ending in shameful behavior)... Vegas really should be nicknamed "Texas" because it is going BIG with July 4th fireworks this weekend. Here is a summary of where to catch these incendiary devices:

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All hail the Red, White, & Blue! Or the (Wet) Republic of Tiesto.

'Murrica. Land of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HappYness, (We did that on purpose in case Will Smith is reading - "What up, Hitch?")

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