March 2017 Posts

Where To Find The Most Beautiful Cocktail Servers in Sin City

No matter if you are a guy or a girl, and whatever your sexual preference may be, when you're in Vegas it's all about surrounding yourself with beautiful people. When you're looking for that perfect Las Vegas nightclub or pool party to hit up, your deciding factor may come down to where to find the most beautiful waitresses. It's just human nature that beautiful people attract other beautiful people, so why not go where all the beautiful people will be partying. Check out our hot list, which was really difficult to choose because it's Vegas and beauty reigns supreme here.

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Spring Break Pool Party Las Vegas 2017
Time To Start Your Spring Break Party in Las Vegas

Spring break is here! And you know what that means, it's officially pool season in Sin City! Now it's double the fun with nightclubs AND pool parties at your fingertips. Here's where you need to go this weekend to find the best parties in Vegas both in the pool and out of it.

XS Nightclub

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