
Las Vegas Nightclub Dress Code Guide

As a great man (or, The Greatest Man, if you ask him) once said,

"Believe in your flyness. Conquer your shyness."


So we're going to do exactly that by hitting up the best Las Vegas nightclubs wearing some fresh styles that Yeezus himself would be proud of. When you're walking into a Vegas club, it's almost like trying to get past the pearly gates of premium nightlife, and the bouncer is God. You're at their whimsy if you don't look completely on point with what you're sporting, and if your style doesn't fly with them, you're likely to end up in regular, old hotel bar hell. Galavantier is here to help guide you through what you should be looking for in your wardrobe, and what to stay away from.


Think "GQ" and you'll be safe. The danger lies in trying to re-use your daytime outfit and just float on by nonchalantly when you're walking into the club and feeling that bouncer's hand on your chest that says, "I don't think so, pal." We want to see your spiffed-up self and being able to safely say that you spent some time getting ready. Not hours, obviously, because some well-quaiffed bed head is still acceptable, but show us ladies what you're workin' with.

As a staple item for guaranteed to all clubs, invest in a great suit. Sometimes you might just use the pants, sometimes the jacket, but at all times you will look damn fine. I worked as a haberdasher throughout college, so I know the benefit of a well-tailored suit. There's no shame in buying a suit off the rack, but make sure it's a quality fabric with good stitching in the seams. There are a lot of savvy options waiting for you in outlet stores, but don't fear the tailor. Buy something that fits you well, or has a little extra room in the sleeves, then take it to a tailor for some customization. Remember, you can never be overdressed or over educated. Speaking of education: Learn to fold a pocket square! It's the perfect flourish to a suit and really makes you look like a man who's got it all together and knows his favorite scotch. It can be matchy-matchy with your tie and shirt, or used as an accent square. We've got some tips here and here. For finishing touches, pair your suit (or pieces of it) with some classic staples like a quality button-up, your favorite timepiece and some fancy-ass shoes. Seriously, ladies (and gents) love a pair of leather shoes on a man or some other unique kicks we didn't see coming.

Stay away from:

  • Ball caps
  • Sporty shoes, tennis shoes and flip flops
  • Sports jerseys
  • Tank Tops
  • T-shirts
  • Jeans with holes
  • Shorts (unless it's a day club or pool party)


It's pretty well known that Kanye is the one styling Kim and is the driving force behind her fashion statements. However, since he's not waiting for you in your closet (can you imagine the heart attack you'd have if he was?!) we'll be your digital Kanye with these nightclub dress code tips for the honeys.

If you're pretty much expecting the drill to be minidresses, heels, cleavage and some serious "evening makeup," your instincts are correct. Clubs want to see the ladies walking in to look as fine as they can be, because gorgeous ladies is what makes a club desirable, ultimately. The classic bandage or bodycon dress is a staple that is always being selected for nights out in Vegas, and there's a reason they're so abundant. Those curve-hugging, slimming, tight and stretchy dresses are the perfect starting point to feature your assets and then layer personality on top of it.

Choosing the right handbag and shoes to keep the party going is important. Your handbag should be small enough to not be a burden on the dance floor, but big enough for your phone, cards, and some lipstick. Always a plus if you find one with a chain or wristband so you don't have to rely on your drunken motor skills to keep hold. We've talked about shoes before (see Related Articles below) and you really want to get a few inches in the heel so it perks up your rear (it's SCIENCE) and so you can see over all the other tall, high-heeled feminine masses at the club.

The ultimate nightlife no-no, THE Numero Uno Rule, is:
Thou Shalt Not Take Off Your Shoes After The Club and Meander Las Vegas Barefoot.

You will get injured, diseased and no one will feel bad for you. Locals will catch the scent of a barefooted tourist and instinctually attack. Just a fair warning.

Stay away from:

  • Flip flops
  • Workout gear
  • Pants in general, to be safe

Ladies & Gents:

As always, you can hit up our Wear In Vegas fashion board on our Pinterest for some inspiration, we're constantly adding to it for both men & women's fashion innovation. Heck, you can even tweet us a pic of what you're packing if you want some honest, personal advice. Looking for bottle service deals or VIP entry? Galavantier can help — click here for more information or give us a call at 1-877-425-2826. 

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