
Top 6 Tricks For Overcoming Jet Lag

Fun Fact: 

  • Westward Travel: Jet lag lasts number of days roughly half the number of time zones traveled.
  • Eastward Travel: Jet lag lasts number of days roughly 2/3 the number of time zones traveled.

Let's be real, the last thing you need upon stepping foot on Vegas ground is to be exhausted beyond all hope. How can you be expected to lift your yard-long margarita guitar when you're running on fumes? Even thinking about the all-night club adventures waiting for you makes you want to break down, crawl into a time-locked hole and hibernate until your body is readjusted. If you've ever fantasized about a remote control to life, a la Adam Sandler's Click, then you know what we mean. Dealing with jet lag can be a threat to any Vegas traveler, especially if you've flown across a few time zones to get here.

Here are the top tips to deal with the dreaded fatigue symptoms you might be feeling after that long flight to LAS:

1. Light Regulation

The biggest culprit contributing to jet lag are those pesky photons. The influence of light helps regulate your body's circadian rhythm - what makes you wake up and get sleepy each day. When more light is introduced earlier than you're used to, of course it will mess up your schedule. I'm sure you've felt this and know it to be true without having to define "circadian rhythm." If you're traveling westward to Vegas, avoid sunlight a few hours before dark for the first few days. This won't be hard to do inside a casino.

2. Hydration

A good tip for life in general, but especially for traveling. You'll need to counteract the effects of that dry cabin air, so bring an empty water bottle with you across the TSA border to refill when you're past security. Avoid salty foods that will dehydrate you even more and your body, which is 60% water, will thank you.

3. Sleep Preparation

Resting before your trip is a great strategy to kick jet lag before it even happens. Adjust your sleeping pattern by 30-60 minute increments to slowly acclimate to the Vegas PST time zone. Start living out your day as if you're in the time zone of your destination 2 to 3 days before you go, that way you won't be hit as hard with your new schedule. This even pertains to your food, so eat meals closer to the time you will be eating at your destination. I'm not sure if that includes late-night munchie fests, so try it out and let us know how your experiment went.

4. Natural Help, or Not

We want to help everyone overcome jet lag, and we realize there are two trains of thought we should mention. Those of you who want an all-natural approach, and those who welcome the help of chemical compounds.

For those of you who treat your body like the temple it is, stay pure with simple coffee. There's a trick to drink coffee before you take a 40-minute nap. It's a simple way to wake up with a little extra kick from the caffeine. You'll still be able to fall asleep, but you'll open your eyes like a little Energizer Bunny. Though, come to think of it, no one knows what that pink bunny's eyes are like since he's always wearing shades. He's probably strung out all the time. Any who, back to jet lag...

If you're down with a little substance assistance, pick up some Melatonin pills in the pharmacy aisle or GNC. While not regulated by the FDA, Melatonin has long been used to aid sleep problems. A low dose (.5 mg) in the morning to mid-afternoon will delay the circadian system. This is the supplement that doesn't make you sleepy, necessarily, but will help you stay asleep and possibly make your dreams a bit more vivid. I'm really fond of using ZzzQuil capsules when traveling, though. Just pop two before bed and you'll sleep like a little brown bat. Others say to try drinking magnesium citrate powder mixed with hot or cold water. This is an anti-stress mineral and sleep aid that will help you relax and recover and get a good night’s sleep to further help you reset your sleep-wake pattern. You can take small travel-size sealed packets and pour one into your water bottle and sip throughout the flight.

5. Plane Tricks

Alcohol has a negative effect on sleep patterns, but let's face it, it's rare that someone headed to Vegas will jump on a plane and think, "You know what, I'm going to hold off on booze till I get there." We don't judge. Let's spin this tip around and say that if you're looking to stay awake during the last hours of your flight and you already took a nap, pound that bloody Mary.

Now, sleeping on a plane is a multi-faceted endeavor with lots of personalization available. I stress the importance of earplugs/earbuds, an eye mask and one of those ridiculous-looking pillows, but you know best if you're the kind of person to snuggle on your neighbor's shoulder or pop up your hoodie to avoid all human contact.

Did you know airplane yoga is a thing? Yup, and it might be just what you need to stay limber, relaxed, stress-free and ready for sleeping or waking up, depending on your mindset. Plus, I'll do anything that will help from feeling cooped up in that coach chair.

6. Arrival

When you get to Vegas, you'll be bombarded with an onslaught of flashing lights, dinging slot machines and all-nighters, so arriving in your new time zone will be a whirlwind. This is the moment of truth when your jet lag avoidance tactics will be tested, and there's not much to do but follow the tips above and give yourself a little facial. That's right -- beauty experts tout the importance of exfoliating upon arrival after traveling on an airplane to remove dead, dry skin and general ick. Cleanse your skin with a mild facial scrub, but nothing abrasive like apricot kernels, walnut husks, devil horns, almonds, or whatever. Be gentle, your skin's been through a lot.

All that's left to do is enjoy your time in Sin City! When you're wide-awake, ready and raving to go, live your life to the fullest by booking some awesome nights out at the club, gun range, dayclubs, tours, activities and more. You know where to go ;)