
Why You Can't Miss Mayweather vs Pacquiao Fight Weekend in Vegas

When you think of the Vegas from the movies, you usually have images of tuxedoed gentlemen and bedazzled ladies slinking around the craps table, cooly sipping martinis and blowing on dice for luck they don't need. We have visions of the most powerful executives we've never heard of breaking out from behind the curtain, gorgeous women on their arms while walking to their ringside seats, whispering deals and smoking cigars amongst mobsters and celebrities.

The weekend of May 2nd is going to be as close to that iconic mental footage of the ultimate Las Vegas than it has in years. 

With the announcement of Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao FINALLY agreeing to duke it out (let's be real - it was both an ongoing business agreement and a helpful marketing strategy being delayed as long as it was), Vegas was instantly aflutter with excitement and preparation. While getting your hands on tickets to the fight itself will cost you your first born child or the heart of an innocent (or whatever they've grown to be worth today, exponentially growing by the minute as May 2 draws near) there will be countless options for watching the fight virtually and celebrating the epic battle between two boxing juggernauts.

Viewing Parties and Closed Circuit Viewing tickets will be popping up more and more as the date draws near, but it's really the after parties, special performances and celebrity hosts that exudes a certain allure. We've collected the lineup below of confirmed after parties and performances/celebrity hosts, and will be adding as more get confirmed:

April 30

May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

And yes, Justin Bieber has already confirmed he will be in Vegas to stand by Mayweather's side, so who knows where he and the other A-listers will be popping up as the weekend progresses. I like to imagine they're all texting Jay Z:

bieber jay zScreen Shot 2015-04-14 at 12.12.02 PM

Click here to get info, quotes and more details for what's going on during this crazy Vegas weekend that the whole world will be watching. You know you want to be there for it all.