Emerson Theater & Nightclub Upcoming Event Calendar - September 2025
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Emerson Theater & Nightclub , Hollywood , 7080 Hollywood Blvd , Los Angeles , California 90028
Take a step back into the Prohibition Era at Emerson Nightclub where you’ll witness a modern-day speakeasy melding with contemporary burlesque all with a splash of the sensual nightlife of Los Angeles. This nightclub is more intimate than most with a capacity of 500 patrons, making it that much more exciting to experience. You’ll be amazed by the Funktion One sound system as you rub shoulders among Hollywood’s finest party people. The interior of this venue is gorgeous with marquee lights hanging overhead and three bars to acquire specialty cocktails. Definitely where your best nightclub attire and revel in the sounds and sites including the burlesque-styled dancers providing ample entertainment around the club.