Posts Tagged Las Vegas, Page 39

The Bachelor Party In Las Vegas

There are four of you.

Four guys in Vegas.

One guy is finally leaving this makeshift group of idealist, slackers, visionaries…drunks.

The bachelor party in Las Vegas.

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The Hotel To House Your Party in Las Vegas

It is easy to pick a hotel in Las Vegas if you don’t pay any attention to where you’ll sleep and how much you will pay. If you go cheap you’ll stay Downtown and have good time but spend a fortune on cab fare to the strip. If you spend too much you’ll be forced to see your fancy room more than you need to because you feel bad about spending so much on a room that you are not utilizing.

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Happy New Year From

Before you decide on which New Year’s Resolution to break first keep in mind that if you set realistic goals you will not have to worry about massive disappointment in the New Year. Do you really want to lose 10 pounds or is it just something you say to yourself when you try to put on pants that are two sizes too small. Make a resolution to buy new pants instead.

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Where To Watch The Fireworks In Las Vegas

Counting down the last few seconds of the year on New Year’s eve is always better when the sky lights up with fireworks and the energy of the evening is brought to a crescendo. Everyone hugs and kisses and then someone tries to sing Auld Lang Syne and then they realize they don’t know the words.

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To Shop Or To Eat In Las Vegas

There is a very good chance that you might find yourself deep in the chaos that is a shopping adventure in Las Vegas. It is almost inevitable. The potential for finding a good deal, a hard to find store or to spend a lot of money is quite high considering how many shopping opportunities you have on the Las Vegas strip.

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The 12 Days of Las Vegas Christmas Galavantier Style

Christmas is really about giving and not receiving and hugging your family members and sitting around a huge table with friends and family and generally trying not to say a bad word about anybody...ugh. Let's just think about Christmas in Las Vegas instead. In fact I'm about to give you 12 straight days of Christmas all the way up to that in between time after Christmas eve and New Years day.</p>

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Give The Gift Of VIP In Las Vegas This Christmas

It is time you finished off the Christmas shopping you have been putting off. Listen to me when I tell you that today I’m giving you some advice for a win-win opportunity. Everyone here at wants to make sure that you are happy and that you adhere to the “it’s better to give than receive” mantra while still getting a little something for yourself. That is why you are going to give your loved ones the VIP treatment this Christmas season.

5 Ways To Give The VIP Treatment To Someone You Love This Christmas

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The Grown Up Christmas List For The Thrill Seeker In Las Vegas

This Christmas season you will not have to wonder what you will be putting under the tree for that special someone in your life. Nope, the folks at have you all taken care of so forget all those Black Friday Deals you forgot about and stop looking for the coupons in the chat rooms. Pack an over night bag and head to Las Vegas with these suggestions for your gift giving pleasure this holiday season.

Christmas Gift Ideas For The Thrill Seeker In Your Life:

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5 Spots You Didn’t Know About In Las Vegas But Should

Vacations are tricky because they start off as a means to relaxation and turn into a sprint to the airport. You want to include as much as you can and before you know it you feel like you would have needed a few more days just to do what you really wanted to get done. Las Vegas is no different and one could argue that when you toss in the Las Vegas nightlife angle into your vacation itinerary it pretty much guarantees that you will not be completely satisfied with your experience when you take that taxi cab to the airport.

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Relieve Yourself Of Holiday Stress With A Cocktail In Las Vegas

The stress of the holidays usually involves in–laws and spending way too much money on other people. Yes, I understand that it is better to give than to receive but what if you spent a little more time on you than on “them” this year.

Yeah, I know it’s not socially acceptable.

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